Multiplying Sustainable Poultry Around the World
We invite you to join us in planting the Gospel in every country around the world — through sustainable poultry production. Prayerfully consider your involvement with GPI. We are asking God to raise up the workers for the harvest field, to participate in equipping, encouraging and empowering indigenous farmers – this includes:
Lead and participate in strategic mission trips around the world
Instruct and
Teach at our International Sustainable Poultry School and give one on one coaching
Live abroad on a international farm providing hands-on instruction
As you go invest in lives making disciples who make disciples
Global Poultry Initiative Core Values
Incarnational Multipliers
In Jesus’ final words to His disciples, He commanded them to go and make more disciples who multiply themselves into others. In response to this everyday commission, we will strive to assist the local church in creating and sustaining movements of disciplemaking by modeling our lives after the life of Christ, His passion, priorities, and principles.
Matthew 28:18-20
Mark 12:28-31
Holistic Transformation
As Jesus grew, he increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man. In response to His holistic development, we will strive to assist the church in making disciples who are transformed holistically; spiritually, relationally, emotionally, physically, socially, and economically.
Luke 2:52, 4:18-19
2 Corinthians 3:18
Global Stewardship
In response to God’s command in Genesis, we will strive to assist the church in training, coaching and mentoring people with the knowledge and skills for sustainable poultry production; this includes business for missions, poverty alleviation and flourishing communities, all for the glory of God.
Genesis 1:26-28
1 Corinthians 10:31
Multiplying disciples who make disciples...
Our Vision to educate, equip and empower indigenous people with the character, knowledge, and skills to make disciples and to breed, grow and market poultry that are sustainable, productive, and profitable.
GPI Founder/Servant Leaders
By God's grace, Jim & Melissa founded the Global Poultry Initiative in March of 2015! While traveling home from Ethiopia, the Lord gave Jim a vision for multiplication and disciplemaking throughout the world with poultry. Jim and Melissa currently live in West Virginia, they love the Appalachian mountains and are passionate about multiplying disciples who live with a great commandment passion and great commission focus. We believe "God accomplishes His purposes through His people" and we are dependent on our Strategic Kingdom Partners.
Strategic Kingdom Partners
Consider becoming a Strategic Kingdom Partner as an individual, couple or local church that partners with GPI. Strategic Kingdom Partners are an equal party with separate but equal responsibilities, and they share in the mission of Global Poultry Initiative. They’re involved through prayer, financial support and will join in the harvest field as trainers, coaches, instructors, farmers and Bible teachers. We believe that EVERY Strategic Kingdom Partner has a significant role in the ministry. That’s why we are committed to ministering to them through prayer, encouragement, regular visits and personal contact.
GPI — Equipping Pathways
GPI consists of two equipping pathways:
Disciple-making (DM) and Sustainable Poultry Production (SPP)
Equipping, encouraging and empowering farmers everywhere!!
Our Strategy to partner with indigenous disciple makers and Christ-centered organizations in strategic locations to establish Agriculture Multiplication Centers; where disciples are multiplied, breeding flocks are created, sustained and people are equipped for sustainable poultry production.
Agricultural Multiplication Centers (AMC)
The purpose of the Agricultural Multiplication Centers is create an environment where disciples are reproduced and sustainable poultry production models are multiplied! Our first priority is to prayerfully recruit, select and invest into younger leaders who are seeking AFTER more — available, faithful,
teachable, enthused about the things of God and responsive to leadership. (Luke 5:1-11) Once they are chosen, they will be equipped and sent out with the character, knowledge and skills to plant Gospel Communities and develop small poultry enterprises – wherever God calls them!
Global Poultry Initiative Core Values
To effectively multiply sustainable flocks of standard-bred poultry, we must partner
with our indigenous leaders to create model farms of sustainable agriculture so that
those being mentored can experience the “real life model” and learn from it.
A reproducible sustainable poultry production model
Learn from a trusted, experienced advisor.
Equip others to reproduce a model of sustainable poultry production.
Global Poultry Initiative Ministry Council
Global Poultry Initiative is led by a Ministry Council! The council consists of advisors, trainers, teachers, supporters and regional country leaders who desire to serve the movement and participate in annual council gatherings. They provide the spiritual and missional direction of all SPN movements around the world. Within the council is an executive team of three who serve as overseers and of the entire movement. SPN movements are led by national service teams who are appointed by the executive council of GPI!
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Creating Networks Worldwide!
The Sustainable Poultry Network – USA is what we envision developing in every country. Visit the SPN-USA website and learn about sustainable poultry — breeding, growing and marketing poultry products throughout your local community, region and country.